

10 weeks
of sailing in the Adriatic Sea, aboard the O.N.E. catamaran.


Monitoring pollution from chemicals and marine biodiversity.


Collecting data to help improve activities aimed at reducing impacts.


“The sea, especially the sail, is complementary to you. It wraps you, shapes you, helps you, accompanies you. It serves to understand, yourself and others."”

(Giovanni Soldini, sailor)

The progress of 2023


nautical miles sailed


guests on board


Yamamay ambassador


eDNA samplings


zooplancton samplings


megafauna sightings

Our Journey

Following in the footsteps of 2022, monitoring activities in the Mediterranean Sea continue in the Adriatic and its basin, collecting data and promoting knowledge and protection of the marine environment. Starting from the naval base of Taranto and sailing along the eastern Italian coast, the O.N.E. Catamaran will cross the Ionian and Adriatic Seas, heading towards the Aegean Sea with the destination of Corfu, covering a total of 1400 nautical miles.


From Ionian...

1. 29/04 - 06/05: Taranto - Otranto

2. 06/05 - 13/05: Otranto - Bari

3. 13/05 - 20/05: Bari - Termoli

4. 20/05 - 27/05: Vasto - Ancona

5. 27/05 - 03/06: Ancona - Venezia


... to Adriatic

6. 03/06 - 10/06: Venezia - Pola

7. 10/06 - 17/06: Pola - Split

8. 17/06 - 24/06: Split - Dubrovnik

9. 24/06 - 01/07: Dubrovnik - Durres

10. 01/07 - 08/07: Durres - Corfù

The Journey Logbook

Week 1: Taranto - Otranto

Here’s what happened in the first week of sailing the catamaran One: The crew of Yamamay, OOF (One Ocean Foundation), CVC (Caprera Sailing Center) embarks from Taranto on 29 April.

During the first week the team takes several samples of zooplankton, and then decants it into a test tube and freezes it; moreover, two marine species are sighted: the turtle "carretta carretta" and the “sea devil”, the Mediterranean manta ray.

Due to the bad weather, the week passes between lessons on ecology and marine biology, and lessons in boating and knots, held by Benedetta Villa (scientific manager) and the captain of ONE.


  • Sampling eDNA #1
  • Samplings of zooplankton #4
  • Megafauna Sightings #2
Week 2: Otranto - Bari

Here’s what happened in the second week of sailing the catamaran One:

The team sails from Otranto, where Giulio Scarano, filmmaker, actor and influencer, comes on board; actually, not just any influencer: Giulio is able to tell stories, establish a relationship with those who dedicate his time, bringing healthy values and building a real community.

In the following days, the team has the opportunity to visit the city of Polignano, carrying out a beach cleaning; moreover, the Captain and the Scientific Manager hold nautical and sampling of zooplankton lessons, explaining the scientific methods and purposes of the latter.

The week is spent between zooplankton sampling, boating lessons, beach cleaning, as well as lunches and dinners with together.


  • Sampling eDNA #2
  • Samplings of zooplankton #5
  • Megafauna Sightings #2
Catamarano ONE
Week 3: Bari - Termoli

Here’s what happened in the third week of sailing the catamaran One:

The team sails from Bari, where Giulia Arena, actress, television presenter and former Italian model, comes on board. Despite the rainy weather, Giulia has not lost the enthusiasm to participate in the sampling activities of zooplankton. He will board again during the last stage of the Project!

In the crossing towards Manfredonia, the team, after the explanation of the scientific manager Benedetta Villa, samples the plankton and the 12 liters of water for the environmental DNA.

In the following morning the captain holds lessons nautical lessons, while in the afternoon Benedetta gives lessons about biology and marine ecology, showing plankton under the microscope.

The team also spotted a group of bottlenose dolphins of 4 specimens.


  • Sampling eDNA #2:
  • Samplings of zooplankton #3:
  • Megafauna Sightings #3
Catamarano ONE
Week 4: Termoli - Ancona

Here’s what happened in the fourth week of sailing the catamaran One:

The team sails from Termoli, where, shortly after, the first sampling of zooplankton of the week and the sighting of two groups of bottlenose dolphins take place.

During a stop in the beautiful San Benedetto del Tronto, the team, guest of the association Crisis, attends an event of scientific dissemination, the primary objective of the project. In fact, the researchers and biologists involved have illustrated the data collected so far with those obtained from the 2022 route in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

One continues its course, and between sampling, biology lessons and time in company, arrives in Ancona, fifth stage of the Mission.


  • Sampling eDNA #2
  • Sampling of zooplankton #4
  • Megafauna Sightings #4
Week 5: Ancona - Venezia

Here’s what happened in the fifth week of sailing the catamaran One:

The team sails from Ancona and after a few hours the first sampling of zooplankton of the week takes place. A lesson on the winds and one on cetaceans follows. Returning to the route, One passes between typical clam farms in the area and the team, thanks to the flat sea, sights several specimens of bottlenose dolphins.
After further sampling, the scientific manager shows the zooplankton samples under a microscope, explaining the characteristics of these organisms and helping the hosts to identify the various groups thanks to the illustrative leaflet.

One continues its course, and between sampling, lessons and sightings of bottlenose dolphins and dogfish (sharks), arrives in Venice, sixth stage of the Mission.


  • Sampling eDNA #3
  • Sampling of zooplankton #4
  • Megafauna Sightings #5
Week 6: Venezia - Pula

Here’s what happened in the sixth week of sailing the catamaran One:

The team sails from Venice with the crew that this week avails of the presence of a researcher from the University of Padua. Giulia Arena also comes on board representing Yamamay.

The first morning is dedicated to the creation of evocative photo and video content along the canals of Venice.

Because of the adverse weather on Monday, the biologist of the crew shows the zooplankton samples and holds a lesson on marine ecology to the guests.

One continues its course, and between sampling, lessons and sightings of bottlenose dolphins and Caretta caretta (turtles), arrives in Pula, seventh stage of the Mission.


  • Sampling eDNA #1
  • Sampling of zooplankton #4
  • Megafauna Sightings #11
Catamarano One
Week 7: Pula - Split

Here’s what happened in the seventh week of sailing the catamaran One:

The team sails from Pula with the crew that will dedicate this week to exploring the waters of the Croatian islands in the Kornati and Incoronate archipelagos.

Thanks to the windy weather the Catamaran One is able to continue its navigation by lowering the sails.

The waters of the Croatian islands unfortunately bring few sightings, only 2 groups of bottlenose dolphins, but on the other hand the sampling activity thanks to the calm sea can be carried out with great efficiency.

One continues its course, and between sampling, lessons and sightings, arrives in Split, eighth stage of the Mission.


  • Sampling eDNA #2
  • Sampling of zooplankton #6
  • Megafauna Sightings #2
Catamarano One
Week 8: Split - Dubrovnik

Here's what happened in the eighth week of sailing the catamaran One:

The team sails from Split with the crew that this week avails of the presence of a researcher from the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, a researcher from the University of Pula and an exponent of the University of Salento. The Yamamay team is composed of the Head of CSR & Innovation and the President.

The crew, after carrying out numerous samples on Monday, takes advantage of the favorable weather to visit the Blue Cave, a suggestive cave located in the Vis Archipelago UNESCO Global Parc.

To report, during this week of navigation, the first sighting of bluefin tuna.

One continues its course, and between sampling, lessons and sightings, arrives in Dubrovnik, the ninth and second to last stage of the Mission.


  • Sampling eDNA #3
  • Sampling of zooplankton #6
  • Megafauna Sightings #5
Week 9: Dubrovnik - Durres

Here’s what happened in the ninth week of sailing the catamaran One:

The team sails from Dubrovnik, where on board representing Yamamay are Barbara Cimmino, Head of CSR & Innovation Yamamay and Francesco Pinto, Chairman Yamamay.

While sailing, a picturesque landscape, surrounded by mountains, nature and small towns that develop along the banks of the lagoon, accompanies the group towards Albania.

In the following days the team sighted an octopus and some sea urchins, continuing scientific activities to monitor the pollution of the seas.

So, between samplings and good times with the team, the catamaran One covers another 95 miles, arriving in the penultimate stage of the Mission: Durres.


  • Sampling eDNA #2
  • Sampling of zooplankton #3
  • Megafauna Sightings #0
Catamarano ONE
Week 10: Durres - Corfu

"The adventure with M.A.R.E. was a wonderful gift of awareness and knowledge. Having been lucky enough to get on board in several stages has given me different emotions every time, helping me to understand how every corner of the sea has different identities and needs" - Giulia Arena, actress and testimonial Yamamay

Project M.A.R.E. is coming to an end: 120 miles separate One from the last stage of the Mission.

In the last week the team continued with the sampling and sights a turtle specimen "caretta caretta", arriving in Corfu.

After 10 weeks of navigation, the M.A.R.E. 2023 project ends. Thanks to the data collected, the commitment and passion of all the people who have been on board in recent weeks, it will be possible to create joint actions aimed at reducing impacts.


  • Sampling eDNA #2
  • Sampling of zooplankton #5
  • Megafauna Sightings #1
Campionamento ONE